Monday, July 30, 2012

Pirates in Love - New epilogues

Today, two epilogues of Pirates in Love came out. Eduardo's (he was the first one I played :D)  Christopher's (I haven't played him 'cause I don't like him) and Nathan's (my favorite). There is no need for a walkthrough when it comes to epilogues because whatever the answer you give you will have the picture and there is only one ending.

Also new, the spin-off named Mystery Island. I still don't know what a spin-off is like with Pirates in Love so I'll check it out and update this post after.


Update : So, I just finished the spin-off Mystery Island. By the way, you can only play with Russell, Eduardo, Christopher and Nathan. Unlike the epilogues you have choices to make but those choices won't affect the ending and you can have the picture in every case scenario. Have fun!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

My Forged Wedding - KUNIHIKO

Hi everyone! Here is Kunihiko's walktrough to get the "very happy ending".

• Smile quietly
 He is very positive
• This is your favorite
• It was normal
 Ask him
• Thank him earnestly
• Pull hands away
• Don't ask
• Go out for supplies
• Joke back
• Pick myself
• Fix it
• Close eyes
• It's great
• Pinch his arm
• Because we live together
• Don't move
• Don't move
• Glare and yell
• Are you sure?
• Ask him why
• Thanks for coming
• Absolutely
• Go with someone special
• Because you go on dates
• Stay put
• Tea
• Force a smile

As for Yamato's epilogue, as there is only one ending, whatever you do you'll get the picture and the happy ending.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

My Forged Wedding

New update for My Forged Wedding!!!! Just when I was saying that there was no update! Ironic isn't it?

Kunihiko main story (I hope it's gonna be good!)
Yamato Epilogue

Walkthroughs will be coming later when I am done with the stories myself :)

Be my princess - For GREE

New otome game out! Be my princess! It was originally a game by Voltage Inc. but I don't know why, GREE came and changed a few things about the way you play the game. And to be frank, I don't really like those changes. For example, when a new game came out , I used to finish it in one go but now it is impossible as you can only play 5 really small chapters a day. You also have an avatar and missions and you have to have an internet connection to play the game.

GREE also changed Shall we date? Ninja love in the same way. To tell you the truth, this way of doing things is making the games really boring! I just want things back to normal.

Apart from all that, there is no new updates for the games already there. I am still waiting for the spin-offs and epilogues of Pirates in Love and My Forged Wedding. I don't know if it's because GREE is in charged of translating the new games that we can't have the spin-offs and epilogues of the ones already on the market.

Anyway guys, I'll try to keep in touch as much as I can. I hope this article gives you all the answers that you need. If not you can ask me anything in the comment section. Don't hesitate :)

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Nothing new!

Unfortunately there is absolutely no new otome games for iPhone... or no new updates for the ones already there... It has been a while since the last one... I hope they're gonna give us a new one soon 'cause I'm quite bored... If anyone knows anything please tell me!